May 12, 2023
Pleased to Partner with Shio Construction on this important housing project for the West Side community!

November 23, 2022
Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas, and a blessed New Year!
Our office will be closed on the follow dates:
November 24-25 (reopening 11/28)
December 26-30 (reopening 01/02/23!)
Warmest regards,
PHA Ohana

September 13, 2022
On September 7, Laukona Park had its grand opening and blessing in Hanamaulu, Hawaii. It begun with a beautiful mele oli, speech by Mayor Kawakami, ceremonial lei ribbon opening, first official entrances, luncheon, and ended with our staff having some fun in the playground.
Architects: Tom and Palmer of PHA
Landscape: PBR Hawaii
Contractor: Cushnie Construction Company

June 30, 2022
Warm greetings for an adventurous and sunny summer from our PHA ohana!
Friendly reminder to put sunscreen on, stay hydrated, and create beautiful memories with your loved ones!

June 9, 2022
Welcome to our summer intern, Momi! She will be a senior at University of Colorado Denver this coming school year and will be graduating with Bachelor of Science in Architecture. Our PHA ohana is excited to have her this summer!

May 17, 2022
On May 15, Palmer and his team had a blast at the annual golf scramble tournament at Poipu Bay Golf Course. The team scored 53.22 on a par 72.
From left to right: Gordon Yee, Darren Takashima, Palmer, and Reed Burke.

March 17, 2022
Welcoming our new and returning staff: Tisha (in black) is our new Office Manager helming our team with innate aloha, and Raisa (in blue) is our returning Architectural Designer from 2018 that recently came back home to Kauai after three years in Germany.
Our evolving PHA Ohana wishes you all a happy and blessed rest of your 2022!
Always with Aloha,
PHA Ohana

December 23, 2021
Seasons greetings from the Palms Hawaii Ohana! We would like to thank you for your continued support and shared trust in plans for a brighter future.
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
With much Aloha,
The Staff at Palms Hawaii Architecture LLC

November 17, 2020
Palms Hawaii Architecture would like to introduce our newest member Ivan Trugillo to our ever growing office ohana.
Ivan is an Alumni of Kamehameha Schools Kapalama, and is current attending University of Hawaii Manoa studying Civil Engineering.

August 20, 2020
This years annual golf tournament in Honor of Sandy G. Although it was different than we are used to, Palmer got to head out and get some sunshine and exercise all for a good cause . Of coarse while practicing social distancing .
Also, would like to extend mahalo ,to Pohaku Fabrications for letting Palmer join in on their team .

July 23, 2020
Palms Hawaii is happy to give a shout out and welcome back to our previous intern Coren Metcalf .As well as our smart car Ph-Ev who has been stuck in Oahu since March.
Feels great to have the office filled once again!

June 16, 2020
Aloha, and its that time of year again where palms Hawaii Architecture welcomes a new Intern to help out at our office! this years intern we wana give a warm welcome to Brandi Baligad from UH Manoa.

February 4, 2020
on January 30th Owner architect Palmer Hafdahl, and new license architect Jon Lucas attended the 2020 annual kick off party for AIA.
Mahalo, to the AIA Hawaii board members as well all the sponsors for making this event happen once aigan!

October 15, 2019
Palms Hawaii Architecture, with our ohana oriented work environment is extremely proud to announce that our Design Tech Jonathan Lucas has completed all the required ARE exams necessary for licensure as professional architect! We are thrilled at the new possibilities and opportunities this will bring for Jon and our small firm. we look forward to what the future will bring!

September 24, 2019
On September 22, Palmer took smart car Ph-EV to Kilauea for a Electric car meet up, brought together by Kauai EV.
The reason behind the meet up was to help spread the word, in efforts to get more car charging stations on island.

September 19, 2019
On September 12th , PH staff had the pleasure to attend a housewarming get together for the Rockwells.
Good laughs, good company and the beautiful Poipu weather made all for great time.

August 20, 2019
Aloha, our friends at the Rice street business association has launched their website.
Go check it out at ricestreetkauai.com

July 30, 2019
On July 26th , The Palms Hawaii staPh , had lunch at Lilikoi bar and grill. Above is a picture with our Summer '19 Interns Bryson Baligad from Columbia University, and Corren Metcalf from UH Manoa. It was a pleasure having you guys on the team this summer!
Back row, Jon Lucas , Corren Metcalf
Middle row, Desiree Kitteredge, Andrea Lincoln
Front row, Palmer Hafdahl, Bryson Baligad

July 25, 2019
On July 18th, Palmer and friends entered the annual Kauai United way golf tournament.
This years tournament took place at Puakea golf coarse. Although the team didn't take home first prize, nonetheless they had a great time , and all for a good cause.
Mahalo Kauai United Way.

June 25, 2019
On May 19th , owner and architect Palmer Hafdahl competed in the 16th annual Kauai Chamber of commerce golf tournament. This years tournament took place at the beautiful Hokuala golf coarse.
As always, they had a great time, and enjoyed spectacular views of Nawiliwili.
Mahalo Kauai Chamber of commerce!

June 13, 2019
On June 2th Owner and architect Palmer Hafdahl , attended the Las Vegas AIA convention.
Thank you , to the American Institute of Architects.

June 11, 2019
On May 20th , owner and architect Palmer Hafdahl, had a once in a lifetime experience to accompany Senator Chang as well as fellow Hawaii architects , to work on a affordable housing delegation for the state of Hawaii.
The idea is based off of how public housing works in Singapore.
Mahalo to everyone for making this well needed trip happen!

May 23, 2018
On May 20, 2018, owner and principal architect Palmer Hafdahl sponsored and competed in the 15th Annual Golf Tournament by Kauai Chamber of Commerce at Poipu Bay Golf course.
Not only did he have fun, he also won the "Closest to Hole 17" competition! Our office are extremely proud.
Mahalo nui for hosting this annual event, Kauai Chamber!

April 11, 2018
On March 24, 2018, designer Andrea Lincoln attended a Pau Hana Party (lit. Afterwork Party) of a custom residence she and Palms Hawaii Architecture designed.
Andrea had fun seeing the design evolution from concept on paper to physical reality.
Congratulations to Williams Construction LLC on a job well done!
Photo courtesy of Keani Andrade Photography.

February 2, 2018
On January 5, 2018, architect Palmer Hafdahl and designer Andrea Lincoln attended a Hawaiian-style Home Blessing of one of our beloved clients.
Our team were honored to have been invited to a warm, beautiful, and exciting gathering of family and friends.
Mahalo nui for trusting our design services!

December 20, 2017
Docent Volunteers for 2017 Festival of Lights on 12/15 were architects Palmer Hafdahl and Andrew Lynch.
It was amazing to see the holiday spirit come to life during the 21st annual Architecture of Light & Aloha (dubbed by Elizabeth Freeman) through the excitement and support of visitors, kamaaina, and our very own elf docents, Palmer and Andrew.
FREE: Open 6-8 PM every Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays in December, including Christmas Eve and December 30.

April 21, 2017
The Manualoha Association of Apartment Owners recently celebrated the re-opening of their renovated pool. After a lengthy process, everyone is thrilled to enjoy their updated outdoor pool activities. Sue Surcher of the MNA AOAO Board served as project manager overseeing the project and her efforts are highly commended by our office. We appreciated her complete attention throughout design and construction. Paul Schurch of Schurch Construction was the general contractor and Morton Yamasaki was the Landscape Architect for this project.
Congratulations Manualoha!

November 9, 2016
Team Palms Hawaii closed the office on Tuesday 10/25 to attend the expo.
For 17 years, the Honolulu chapters of the American Institute for Architects and the Construction Specifications Institute, in partnership with presenting sponsor Honblue, have produced Hawaii’s premier exposition for the design and construction industries.
Architects, designers, landscape architects, engineers, builders, contractors and other AEC professionals mingled in the exhibition hall showcasing the latest products and services of nearly 200 local and national vendors, two dozen stimulating continuing education seminars and great networking opportunities.

November 9, 2016
The Thyssen couple recently completed construction of their beautiful custom made home and Palms Hawaii was invited to their housewarming. We wish them lots of happiness and memories in their new home!

August 31, 2016
Andrea has been heading up our online presence on Houzz and we recently earned a new "badge". Visit Houzz.com where you can discover design ideas, find professionals and shop for your home!

August 17, 2016
Our 2016 Summer intern worked his last day on Friday, August 5 2016; The staff enjoyed lunch at Kauai Beer Company to celebrate another successful year with Cale Okamoto as our student intern. This was his second year as our intern and the staff agrees that he is very willing, diligent and focused. He returns to UH Manoa to finish his architectural degree this fall.
We hope to see him again next summer! Good luck with your studies Cale!

July 18, 2016
was held at Puakea Golf course on Sunday, July 17 2016.
Norbert & Mala Pfahler as well as Steve Oberg joined the Palms Hawaii team this year.

May 16, 2016
held at Poipu Bay Golf Course.
This team of "pHour" consisted of:
Palmer Hafdahl - Palms Hawaii Architecture
Dan OConnell - The Wine Shop
Norbert & Mala Pfahler - Pohaku Fabrication

March 28, 2016
The students of Kauai Community College Carpentry Program and the Hoouluwehi Sustainability program made a field trip to Palms Hawaii to get input from a local architect for sustainable design.
We encourage all students who are interested in Architecture or Building design to stop by for a visit! We also participate in the County of Kauai summer internship program (Architect Assistant) and offer high school students mentoring throughout the year.
If you are interested in a field trip for your students or are a student looking for a mentor, please call and speak to Desi Kittredge at (808) 246-4796 for more information.

November 2, 2015
Desi Kittredge has been commissioned as a Notary Public for the term 10/26/2015 through 10/25/2019. She also holds membership with the National Notary Association;
General Public inquiries will be accommodated as well as providing a more efficient "CPR package" turn around for our clients!
Call us today for more information! (808) 246-4796

September 16, 2015
It was a very proud moment for Palms Hawaii Architecture as we learned of our selection as the Editors Choice Award recipient for the AIA 2015 Design Awards.
It was held on Tuesday, August 25 2015 at the Prince Hotel in Honolulu.
Architectural Designer Andrea Lincoln was the lead on Hale Maluhia (the project that won the award) so it was only fitting for her to accept the Award on our behalf.
Palms Hawaii Architecture will be featured in Hawaii Home + Remodeling Magazine as part of being the Editors Choice.
We would like to thank AIA Honolulu and Hawaii Home + Remodeling Magazine for the recognition.
We look forward to many more years of serving our clients creative purpose/dreams as our motivation to create & define the appropriate physical fit of choice!

August 14, 2015
Student Gabriella Nehorayan of Milken Community High School paid a visit to Palms Hawaii Architecture while vacationing with her family here on Kauai.
Milken Community High School has an impressive Architecture program and we are always happy to meet with students who are excited and interested in the field of Architecture.
We wish Gabriella the best in her studies and possible future in Architecture!

August 12, 2015
Palms Hawaii Architecture values our employees and Palmer is always on point to deliver some kind of sweet treat for each employee on their birthday.
Since her birthday fell on the observed day of Independence Day Holiday this year, a quick Starbucks meeting for cake delivery it was...
Happy Birthday Andrea! Thank you for over 7 years of dedicated work ethic and quality results!

July 31, 2015
Palmer teamed up with Norbert & Mala of Welch Marble and Pearl of Puakea Golf; and won 2nd place at the United Way 15th Annual Golf Tournament at Kauai Lagoons Golf Club on July 19, 2015

June 29, 2015
Doug and Sandy Johnson were gracious to host a housewarming party that included all those involved with designing their dream home. Palms Hawaii Architecture was honored to attend and celebrate such a joyous occasion.
Barbara Cameron of Yochi Interiors was the interior designer and Morton Yamasaki was the Landscape Architect on the project.
We wish Doug & Sandy the fondest of memories in their dream home! Congratulations!

May 29, 2015
Palmer went "solo" this year at the annual Kauai Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Golf Tournament held at Poipu Bay Golf Course.
As always, Palms Hawaii Architecture LLC made a hole sponsorship as well.

March 27, 2015
Palms Hawaii Architecture LLC will be moving offices but will remain in the Lihue Plantation Building.... The new office location will be on the east end of the first floor hall. The physical address will remain the same thanks to the cooperation with the building management.
Thursday 03/26/2015 was Prince Kuhio Holiday which the staff utilized as a "painting day".

January 12, 2015
Read the article here:

November 21, 2014
Palms Hawaii Architecture purchased a Smarte Car (All Electric Vehicle) from Mercedes Benz of Honolulu back in August and recently had "pH-EV" (pronounced "fee-vee") outfitted with the company's logo. Be sure to wave when you see "pH-EV" out and about!

September 3, 2014
Palms Hawaii Architecture has once again competed in the Kauai Half Marathon.
Palmer Hafdahl finished with a time of 2:39 and Desi Kittredge walked the course with a finish time of 3:20
Congratulations to all participants!

May 30, 2014
Was held at the Poipu Bay Golf Course on Sunday, May 18, 2014.
Palmer sponsored a hole and played with:
Norbert & Mala Pfahler (Welch Marble)
Dan O'Connell (The Wine Shop)

April 25, 2014
In honor of Administrative Professional's day, the staff of Palms Hawaii Architecture attended the yearly event hosted by KONG radio at Duke's restaurant this year.
Food was delicious and Desi walked home with a $50 gift certificate to Nanea's! Thank you KONG radio for the event.
Happy Administrative Professional's Day!

December 18, 2013
Volunteering on 12/13 this year were:
Palmer Hafdahl, Justin Ganir and Andrea Lincoln
It was enjoyable to see and introduce the many visitors who came from all over the world! Even more splendid were many kama'aina showing their support for this event!
FREE Open 6- 8PM every Friday, Saturday & Sunday December 6 - 22. Open Christmas Eve and December 28 6-8PM.

December 16, 2013
On November 30, 2013 Palmer W. Hafdahl Celebrated his 65th birthday! He was served his special request of homemade pumpkin crunch, followed by lunch at the Puakea Golf Course and 9 holes of golf. Happy Birthday Palmer!

September 25, 2013
Wednesday September 25, 2013
As a sign of gratitude for completing the design of their Kealia Home, Doug & Sandy Johnson presented Palms Hawaii Architecture with an invaluable gift: a framed remembrance of the famed STS-108 Endeavour Space Shuttle flight. It was the 12th Space Shuttle flight to the International Space Station, the first logistics "Utilization Flight" and the first launch following the September 11, 2001 attacks. The commemorative plaque also includes a small American flag , one of 6,000 flown on the Endeavour to honor those lost in the 9/11 attacks and those who served in the response.

September 6, 2013
With a finish time of 2 hours, 7 minutes.
Architect Palmer Hafdahl was there to congratulate Andrea at the finish line.
Look for the entire "staph" of Palms Hawaii Architecture LLC in next year's Kauai Half Marathon!

July 24, 2013
Palm's Hawaii Architecture was proud to sponsor a hole for the annual Kauai United Way Golf Tournament. Joining Palmer for the event (since the "staph" does not golf) were:
Norbert Pfaler (Welch Marble)
Mala Pfaler (Welch Marble)
Tomoko Ouchi
Palmer won an "on the green" lottery pool while Tomoko won flight credit and hotel stay (Vegas).

June 5, 2013
Andrea Lincoln - Architectural Designer and Palmer Hafdahl - Architect participated in the Haena to Hanalei run this year!
Andrea crossed the finish line at 1:14 and Palmer crossed the finish line at 1:30:05.

November 21, 2012
In the spirit of Thanksgiving (and our delicious Pumpkin Custard pie!), we extend out Mahalo for giving us opportunity in business and friendship!
Hau'oli La Ho'omaika'i!
From the staph of Palm's Hawaii Architecture

September 17, 2012
Third annual Kauai (Half ) Marathon - 13.2 miles was completed by "half of our staph":
Justin Ganir - Draftsman
Palmer Hafdahl - Architect
We aim for all "phour" of us to complete the half marathon in 2014!

July 18, 2012
Curtis Law (Curtis Law Construction)
Jim Mayfield (Island Business Brokers) and
Brian Chapman (Aloha Storage)
joined Palmer Hafdahl for the annual KUW Golf Tournament.
While no one went home with prizes, it was said to have been a more relaxing tournament than most.

June 22, 2012
Palm's Hawaii Architecture is featured in the June 20, 2012 week issue of Midweek Kauai magazine - Business Roundtable Article!
Check your current issue of Midweek or you can view the article online at: http://www.midweekkauai.com/2012/06/palms-hawaii-architecture/
Palm's Hawaii Architecture thanks Coco Zickos and MidWeek Kauai for the feature and advertising; and of course to all our loyal clients who keep our business going!

June 15, 2012
After overcoming long setbacks, the highly anticipated ground breaking for the Waipa Multi Purpose Facility commenced on Friday June 8, 2012. It was a delight to see Keiki of Waipa Foundation "break ground" with o'o sticks. Notable attendees included Senator Ron Kouchi and Representative Derek Kawakami who delivered a certificate from the Hawaii State Legislature!
Congratulations to Kamehameha Schools and the Waipa Foundation!
Photo by Anne O'Malley
Update: Waipa Foundation is featured in For Kauai Magazine. The article and photos can be viewed at: (copy and paste link in browser window)

June 4, 2012
for the 9th annual Kauai Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Golf Tournament held at Poipu Bay Golf Course.
This team of "pHour" consisted of:
Palmer Hafdahl - Palm's Hawaii Architecture
Dan O'Connell - The Wine Shop
Norbert & Mala Pfahler - Welch Marble

March 21, 2012
Architect Palmer Hafdahl, Architectural Designer Andrea Lincoln
& Draftsman Justin Ganir completed in the relay team event (run, swim,run) for the Garden Island Tri-Festival on March 17, 2012 and took home the 1st place prize! The after party celebration was done at the gorgeous custom home of Andrea overlooking Kalapaki Bay....
Get pHit at its finest!

March 9, 2012
Monday March 5, 2012 marked the start of a new chapter in the Niemann's life - blessing of their residence lot to start construction on their new Poipu home! We wish them the very best on this major accomplishment!

December 19, 2011
For the second year in a row, Kukui's restaurant offered a Holiday Lunch Buffet that Palm's Hawaii Architecture gladly attended. Food was "onolicious" and our table went home with three prizes :)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

December 12, 2011
Volunteering on 12/10/2011 this year were:
Palmer Hafdahl, Justin Ganir and Desi Dennis
It was enjoyable to see and introduce the many visitors who came from all over the world! Even more splendid were many kama'aina showing their support for this event! Be sure to check out the Festival of Lights at the Historic County Building now through December 24, 2011

September 7, 2011
With a finish time of 4:37:32.
Leg#1 - Justin Ganir (draftsman)
Leg#2 - Palmer Hafdahl (owner/architect)
Leg#3 - Andrea Lincoln (architectural designer)
Leg#4 - Desi Dennis (Office Admin)
Feeling very accomplished, we aim to do it again next year! Get pHit Kauai!

September 7, 2011
for the 8th Annual Kauai Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Golf Tournament held on August 28, 2011

August 24, 2011
Desi Dennis made it for the second company hike to kick-off Palm's Hawaii crunch time training for the Kauai Marathon set for Sept. 4, 2011.
Get pHit!

August 24, 2011
Andrea Lincoln, Palmer Hafdahl and Justin Ganir conquered the Hanakapia Trail.... Not without a few missteps, and "scaragas" that resulted in the new found knowledge of "glue stitching"....